Water Is A Human Right
At Skywater, our passion, vision and goal, is for a world where clean safe drinking water is readily available for all.
The mission of Skywater is to provide an environmentally-friendly answer to the global water crisis by implementing our Skywater product line around the world. With a large amount of the earth’s water unsafe for human consumption, the Skywater system is a life-sustaining devices when placed in the proper hands.
Skywater pioneered atmospheric water generation technology for extracting water from humidity in the air. Drawing from the renewable ocean of water vapor in the air that we breathe, our patented technology transforms humidity into an abundant source of clean water at the point of use. Our scalable and modular systems can be configured for any number of water-sensitive applications ranging from personal use to large scale vertical farming. For a thirsty planet on the verge of a water crisis, Skywater makes clean water out of thin air.
There are worldwide regions affected by current Water crises. These range from Water contamination, lack of water due to main breaks, to complete Water shortages, which can all be resolved or sustained with Skywater solutions.
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The Skywater® atmospheric water generator represents over 14 years of extensive research, development and water quality testing. Skywater technology is now used around the world to generate water from atmospheric humidity. No other product on the market compares with Skywater for price and versatility.
Skywater machines require a lower capital cost, while producing more water using less energy then any other atmospheric water generating system available today. They are much cheaper and more efficient than seawater desalination with no harmful byproducts. Skywater is a solution for water self-reliance that can be powered by alternate energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines
or biofuel gassifiers.
As the “Green Build” revolution takes hold worldwide, new developers recognize the need to find ways to make homes and offices more "Sustainable". Skywater is the answer when it comes to water technology. Supply your development projects or emergency relief efforts with the Skywater 300 for a total “off the grid” water system capable of delivering 300 gallons a day.

As the global water crisis worsens every year, the demand for a solution increases. Water is a limited resource and every year more of us are sharing it. Over 3.5 million people die each year from water-related disease and more than ½ of those are young children. Additionally, natural disasters are becoming more frequent putting additional stress on to our limited resource and disrupting water availability. The Skywater® 300 can run on a generator and provide fresh, drinking water on site of any Humanitarian or Emergency Relief Situation.

The Skywater® 300 is an excellent source of water for remote areas including work sites, homes off the grid, and even rural villages. By Bundling machines together you can produce as much water as needed for a total “off the grid” water system.
Skywater® 300 can be powered by any number of off grid solution included by not limited to, solar power and or wind.

By utilizing a combination of state of the art, Skywater® Atmospheric Water Generators with sub-surface irrigation systems, crops can be grown in the harshest,most unforgiving hostile growing environments.
Skywater’s unique growing system enables local production of food crops, through the on site production of irrigation water.
The 2 greatest challenges facing Indoor Growers:
• Humidity
• Limited fresh water sources
Skywater atmospheric water generators can provide water for an indoor verticle organic growing system that grows up to 10 times more food per square foot using 90% less water.
Skywater® now makes it possible to establish and maintain self sufficient agricultural/ horticultural crop production operations in regions heretofore unable to support plant/crop production.

Water supply is a critical aspect in government and military operations. Island Sky® has customized the Skywater® 300 to military specification to be a durable and dependable even in the toughest conditions. Reinforced with a protective exo-skeleton, neoprene shock-absorbing gaskets and support structures on all internal components ensures durability. Rugged steel, and quality construction goes into the engineering of this cutting-edge technology to provide an efficient, mega-source of pure water. In adequate climates*, each Skywater® 300 military unit is capable of supplying up to 250 people with drinking water each day. Bundled together, these water-making machines can provide water for thousands of people.